ABCS Training Events

Introduction to linear mixed-effects modeling

Presented By

Alex Mitrophanov

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Event Details

Presenter: Alex Mitrophanov, PhD in Mathematics, Senior Statistician at FNLCR/NCI/NIH.

This session will cover the basics of linear mixed-effects modeling as a method of regression analysis for clustered data. Special emphasis will be on the ideas behind random-intercepts and random-slopes modeling, and the discussion will be centered on simple and concrete examples. This session is geared towards participants with beginner to intermediate knowledge of applied statistics or biostatistics. Familiarity with regression analysis is also recommended. 

This will be a hybrid event. To register, please visit the following link:

This session will be recorded, and materials will be shared with attendees a few days after the event. 

For additional details and questions, please contact Natasha Pacheco (, Advanced Biomedical Computational Science group, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research.

Event Details

Tue, Aug 13

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick
