ABCS Training Events


Introduction to Clustering
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Mar 11 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Brian Luke, Ph.D., Senior Principle Computational Scientist, Advanced Biomedical Computational Science (ABCS)  Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique that groups together similar objects (samples, individuals, etc.). Determining the similarity between objects requ...

Introduction to Survival Analysis
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Jan 14 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Alexander Y. Mitrophanov, PhD, Senior Statistician, ABCS/FNLCR/NCI  In this talk, we will cover the basics of survival analysis as a statistical methodology developed for censored data. Special emphasis will be on visualizing survival data, comparing survival-time distributions for...


Statistical Considerations for Animal Model Experiments
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Nov 12 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Conference Room A, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company.  We will discuss statistical considerations in planning, executing, and interpreti...

Statistical approaches to detect pathogenic variants of the BRCA2 oncogene
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Oct 8 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Alexander Y. Mitrophanov, PhD (ABCS/FNLCR)  We will cover recently developed statistical approaches to the classification of BRCA2 variants using the functional-assay data generated by our NCI collaborators (Dr. Sharan’s lab). Our main objective is to illustrate how statistical m...

Introduction to linear mixed-effects modeling
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Aug 13 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Alex Mitrophanov, PhD in Mathematics, Senior Statistician at FNLCR/NCI/NIH. This session will cover the basics of linear mixed-effects modeling as a method of regression analysis for clustered data. Special emphasis will be on the ideas behind random-intercepts and random-slopes modelin...

Introduction to Statistical Resampling Methods
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Jun 11 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company.  This talk will cover the basics of statistical resampling methods such as bootstr...

Effect Size, p-value, and Accuracy
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, May 14 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Conference Room B, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Brian Luke, PhD, Advanced Biomedical Computational Science  This presentation will explain the difference between the mean and standard deviation of a set of values and the standard error of the mean. The parameters involved in comparing two normally distributed populations (Cases...

Parametric vs. non-parametric statistics
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Apr 9 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company.  In this talk, we will cover what differentiates parametric and non-parametric sta...

Overview of Statistics Training Resources
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Feb 13 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Conference Room B, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Natasha Pacheco, PhD, Advanced Biomedical Computational Science.  The first half of the session will briefly review statistics training resources available to the NCI based on feedback from previous Statistics for Lunch sessions. For the second half, we will have an open forum for...

Introduction to Sample Size and Statistical Power
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Jan 9 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company. This talk will cover the basics of what affects and how to compute statistical power, s...


Missing Values and Data Transformations
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Nov 14 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company. This talk will cover how to maximize the utility of your data by handling missing value...

What is a P-Value and What Statistical Test Should I Use?
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Oct 10 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Brian Luke, Ph.D., Advanced Biomedical Computational Science group. In this talk, we will discuss what is a p-value and examples of p-value hacking. We will also review the basics of several statistical tests and when to use them. There are no prerequisites for attending this talk. ...

Batch Correction and Sample Randomization
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Sep 12 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Conference Room A, NCI-Frederick

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company. In this talk we will discuss how and why to minimize and correct for batch effects in o...

Introduction to Data Exploration
Statistics for Lunch

Tue, Aug 15 · 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Building 549, Executive Board Room, NCI-Frederick Campus

Presenter: Duncan Donohue, PhD, Statistical Consulting and Scientific Programming Group, Computer and Statistical Services, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Data Management Services, Inc. a BRMI company. This talk will cover what to do when you first start looking at a new dataset. We will...