
What is CyPRUS?

Custom PRotein visUalization Search tool, CyPRUS, is a protein sequence annotation query and visualization tool. It searches all protein features from most current version of Human UniProt and allows users to quickly search protein features for proteins and protein positions in batch. CyPRUS also provides a graphical interface of the protein features. In addition, it allows users to add user-defined features and visualize their features along with existing protein features from UniProt.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database. Classified as a NoSQL database, MongoDB eschews the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster. Released under a combination of the GNU Affero General Public License and the Apache License, MongoDB is free and open-source software. -- Wikipedia

What is the source of CyPRUS's data?

CyPRUS uses data from UniProt. Currently, we load the records in an internal MongoDB collection.

What is BioJS?

BioJS is an open-source library of JavaScript components to visualise biological data.




Can I visualize my own list of protein features on a protein?

Yes. To visual your own list of protein features on a protein, click on the 'Customize Features' tab at the top. Enter a 'Protein Name', the protein length field will be fill automatically. Enter a list of protein features in <amino acid position>:<name of feature> format. If your protein has isoforms, you will see a select menu with isoform ids.

How is the visualization created?

The protein feature viewer uses biojs-vis-proteinfeaturesviewer javascript library from It renders and maps the features according to the amino acid coordinates.

What are intact and disrupted features?

An intact feature is a feature that does not overlap with any splice event (insertion, deletion, or subsitution). On the other hand, when a feature is overlapped with any of the splice events, we defined it as a disrupted feature and it will not be display on the viewer.

How to export an image?

The current version of BioJS does not support exporting images. To use a snapshot of the image, you can take a screenshot of the image from your computer. Please see the Sections Below to view for your operating system.

How do I take a screenshot of an image in MAC?

  1. Press Command-Shift-4. The pointer changes to a crosshair pointer.
  2. Move the crosshair pointer to where you want to start the screenshot.
  3. Drag to select an area. While dragging, you can hold the Shift key, Option key, or Space bar to change the way the selection moves.
  4. When you've selected the area you want, release your mouse or trackpad button. To cancel, press the Escape (esc) key before you release the button.
  5. Find the screenshot as a .png file on your desktop.

Please refer to for additional help.

How do I take a screenshot of an image in Windows?

You can use the "PrtScn" button on your keyboard. This will take a screenshot of your entire desktop. You can then open Microsoft Powerpoint (or any image program) and paste (CTRL+P) the image. You will have to crop your image by double clicking on the image, and using the format tab to crop the image.

You can also download a screenshot capturing program to capture images from your desktop. These options will allow you to generate higher quality images. Here are a couple of free, easy to use and download applications. We do not support or endorse either of these applications.

  • Greenshot is a free, lightweight tool for Windows which can capture contents on your desktop. It is configurable so you can specify the dimension, quality and output format of your screenshot.
  • MWSnap3 is a free screen capture program, which allows you to quickly capture windows, desktops or selected regions of your screen and supports multiple output formats.